2011年6月1日 星期三

溫士蒂 「情緒.畫」個 展 Wednesday Sentimentally Color Exhibition


繪畫一直是自我試圖擺脫各種情緒化狀態下 「情緒.畫」的產物。


"Sentimentally Color" is a habit in life, a work transformed from emotion.In this complicated noisy but alone world, painting is an important power source for me to last my passion in life. Learning while painting taught me alot of things,including standed back and observed anything around me, truly keep in close and feel the details in life,precipitated myself and listened to others. Finally, i recorded all of it and sharing with you.Painting makes me feel free,relax and being relieved. There's only way makes me dependably exist.

六.日 「溫士蒂」會在UG與大家一起畫畫喔!


Facebook: Wed.這禮拜三

展期: 6/10-6/26

